Design scaling uniformly

Hello all! new to the forum and having an issue trying to scale a design properly.

All designs will be to a set height and need to be scaled proportionally on the width. This has proved to be a tougher than it seems it should be. I have tried several different things including another post suggestion i found here on the forum. As you can see below this is not a small difference and is very visually noticeable. When calculated using the formula in the script below it should come out as the correct version but is not.

This is the last option i tried and is what i am using currently,..


Dim width As Double, height As Double

Dim newWidth As Double

ActiveShape.GetSize width, height

newWidth = (6.667 * width) / height

ActiveSelection.SetSize newWidth, 6.667

The math is correct in this, but it does not seem to be using the calculated width correctly.

Am i missing something here?


  • Chenille,

    It depends how your graphic is created, especially when outline is used and Outline Pen – Scale with image not ticked on.

    So you can try to change Outline Pen properties – Scale with image or you can adapt your code and convert outlines to objects before scaling.


    Sub Macro1()

    Dim w#, h#, selr As ShapeRange, newWidth As Double

    Set selr = ActivePage.Shapes.All


    selr.GetSize w, h

    newWidth = (6.667 * w) / h

    selr.SetSize newWidth, 6.667


    End Sub


    Best regards



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