There is a function in the api called RemoveOverlaps, which seeks for overlaps in one curve. Is there a way to use this function over multiple curves from multiple shapes?
In short i try to remove double lines in my drawing soo my lasercutter does not cut that line twice.
Can you bring here a .cdr example of what you need?
If they are overlapped the cutter will cut like they are welded? Or it is the case of only the outlines are overlapping and even if after the cutting operation will result two pieces, the cutter will skip the overlapped part?
I think this is what tdeweyer needs. Since I haven't figured out how to attach a .cdr file, I'm pasting a typical sample that illustrates at least a part of what is needed. For laser cutting (and probably other applications) we don't want to waste production time cutting a line more than once. Additionally, some materials "scorch" if a double cut is made. Note that in the sample file, some segments are duplicates of a segment in another object but others are not duplicates. If we're creating thousands of these, we can take the time to node edit the duplicates out. But, would be nice to be able to run a macro that would find and remove duplicate cuts on small run.
Try to look at his thread
I looked at the thread and this is indeed the same problem but was not solved unless partly by buying the e-cut software
I updated that other thread now showing how complex curves are handled.