what on earth coreldraw docker is?

I have known that I can develop a docker in Html based and WPF based, but I really dont know what the docker it is?

Because I have learned frontend techonoly recently, and found it is very conviently in develop user interfaces. 

However I can apply them in coreldraw docker, the recent avaliable 2 approach have its own shortcomes

1. html, js based: the supported techonology is so old that I found it base on ie 7, all advanced web techs are not supported.

2. wpd based: C# is not my familiy language, It is difficult for me to develop with it.

Is there any other way to use current advanced web-based technology in CorelDraw docker developing?

No Data
  • I have been cray busy and this is not as complete as I wanted but hopfully it will give you a little more insight. 

    The web based docker is a .NET WebControl (WebControl Class (System.Web.UI.WebControls) | Microsoft Learn) You are correct that it is based on IE and by default it renders in IE7 and quirks mode. The good news is that you can change the rendering mode to at least get you a little better rendering. It is still IE so you are not going to get everything. 

    <!DOCTYPE html> 
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> 
        ... other headers
        ... content

    With the change I was able to go from not being able to run HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5? to scoring a 315.

    I tried to upload some screenshots, but images do not seem to be working tonight here. Oh well. ARUGH.

    In newer version of CorelDRAW you will see that rendering is still not correct and get white boxes or backgrounds around items. This can be fixed by adding appStyles="false" to the web control in the AppUI.xslt

          <!-- Define the web control which will be placed on our docker -->
          <itemData guid="5e354764-caf2-6949-aceb-4af34689d2f6"
                    appStyles="false" />

    One correction to CorelCS's post. You do not need to use VBA, I would recommend it, but you can do most things in javascript. Here is an example I put together for you this evening. Selection (HTML Docker)

    For more informaton on the WebControl and how to specify the IE Version take a look at this post:  Web Browser Control & Specifying the IE Version

    Happy coding and I hope that helps, 

