Does Corel make an animation program like Adobe Fireworks?

I'm not sure this is the right forum for this question, but here it is.


Does Corel make an animation program like Adobe Fireworks?


The reason I am asking is I'd like to do animation, but as a loyal CD user I wouldn't feel right buying an Adobe product.


Are there any other programs that I can use?

  •  Hi,

    I'm not sure if you can call Fireworks an anomation program, but it's possible you can do some simpler animations in it. In CorelDraw 10-12 there was a program caller RAVE included. It's interface looked just like CorelDraw only it had a timeline too, just like Flash. I think it was great for simpler animations, but unfortunately the flash output was too heavy (filesize too big). But you could also make gif animations with it and they were second to none.

    Else I think you get Animation shop with Paint Shop Pro, and it's also good for gif animation. You can do movies in Photo-Paint too, but no tweening abilities like in RAVE.

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