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  • Default Zoom View Per Page

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a long time user of CorelDraw and used X4 for many many years.

    I've recently had to upgrade to CorelDraw 2018 and have a question about default page views.

    It's been a month or so since I've used X4 and have been spending time…

  • Wireframe view when opening some files

    Why is it that when I open some files they show with wireframe view, while others open with enhanced view?


  • None of the shade views work - CorelCAD 2019


    I have CorelCAD 2019 and just started using it. I made a cylinder, but the 3D shape is solid black when I turn on the shade views, it shows no light or shadow. It looks exactly the same in any of the flat or Gouraud views. The 3D and Hidden views…

  • Anyone help me with this.....

    Every time i import some image in Corel draw x7 I show pixel in some area. I don't know what it is?

    Please help me, thank you in advance...

  • Multi-page display and editing


    Is there an option to view and EDIT multiple pages in one workspace, not switching each time between pages but utilizing more InDesign-like (or just like MS Word) workspace layout?

    Like this:

    With Page Sorter View I…

  • Please, I do not want to see external content when inside PowerClip.

    The viewing process is very slow with this feature enabled. In the 2018 version it was solved in the following way:

    Close CorelDraw.
    Open regedit.exe and locate the following path:
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\CorelDRAW\17.0\Draw\Application Preferences…

  • RE: Inconsistent edge-face relationship for fillet build.

    Okay, thanks for that CjHawk.

    I am actually hitting another couple of snags.

    1. See in the model space here in the file attached, the big spot faced holes need to be in the Front view (not the back as currently shown) and to the bottom left running parallel…

  • White become Yellowish


    I was normal used Corel DRAW X6. Than one day when I run Corel DRAW X6 it become yellowish. After few days of exploring a problem I come to next conclusions.

    When I use Corel DRAW X6 in Enhance or Pixel view, color of background and color palette…

  • Rotate the View!

    I asked today if there is already a way to do this, with no responses so far.

    We already have various options for View, which seems to indicate that there is an "object" involved.  If so, then it might be feasible to do a transform on that object…

  • How to rotate the view screen?

    I suspect that there is no way to do this, but it seemed so logical....

    How can I rotate the actual view of a page in DRAW?  I have these box designs that I get handed, done somewhere else on the planet, with changes to various panels that are shown as…

  • Re: Problem Printing with Corel x5 (Black lines on designs)

    Hello George,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    I've tried that when i first saw this problem.  I have printed a blank paper and there was no ink on the paper. It was clean.

    Also when i print PS (Post scrib) everything is ok, but the colors are very…

  • "Print View" extension in Corel DESIGNER

    +++Update 2016-07 - Print View button in Corel DESIGNER X7 workspace +++

    Working on a large format drawing you might want to printout selected areas of the drawing for a quick discussion, review or other purposes. You don't want to print the whole drawing…

  • I have a problem with F9 button.

    This button F9 works but the full page view lasts only one or two seconds. Why does this happen?

  • Full-screen Preview


    How can I full-screen preview without overprints?
    1. View >> 'Enhanced' is checked
    2. Tools >> Options >> Workspace >> Display
    'Use enhanced view' option is selected in 'Full-screen Pre…
  • Re: Full-screen Preview


    Sometimes, if I change the view mode to 'Enhanced with Overprints' in many documents, the full-screen preview looks great without overprints.
    But Most of the times, when I preview the same documents, it looks like it 'Uses Enhanced …