Tabs? Could we pleeeeeeeeeeeese have our non-auto docking, auto-resizing windows back?

I've upgraded from X6 and Tabs are driving me insane. I drag in any number of images to view and work on them side by side. What do I need? - auto-resizing, floating windows and all the real estate I can muster.

1) Sure, open images using Open or Open Recent... and if the Option is set to "Open documents in floating window" they will open in floating windows, but drag them in from Windows Explorer and they tab. Can we have consistency here? Better still, can we get rid of tabs?

2) Tabs should be optional. They take up real estate and get in the way of working with multiple images.

3) The snap feature which opens the image to full workspace should also be an option. Why should I have to use Ctrl just to dock windows across the top? Lunacy.

4) no auto-resize of the floating window? Seriously? I mean, seriously? Corel clearly wants me to use tabs, but seriously, no auto-resize of the windows? Really? How many lines of coding must that have saved?

Here's where I'm coming from. I use SolidEdge CAD and when they introduced a revolutionary non-history-based method of creating 3D objects they had the good sense to maintain the old history-based method for those who preferred it. Everybody was happy. Cannot the same be done here and allow floating windows exactly as they were in X6, just for those of us who prefer/need that way of working?

Parents Reply
  • Ariel that sounds like a good idea but when the application becomes corrupt due to over customization and useless the IT guy complains about the service time and then simply forces the company to use Adobe, what then?  If people would take the time they whine and cry about things and just work maybe they'd be more profitble.  If change bothers you make sure you never work in IT.

    On this specific point, the code is already there, it's no needed to develop a new one, just enable or disable.

    And if it doesn't work, it should be fixed. This is the work of programmers. I didn't say it's easy or just ten minutes, but it doesn't seems to be impossible. It's not like a "I want to have a 3D interface".

    btw it should be the way for almost every big change: allows to use it or not. For example, I hate "treat objects as filled", I disable it inmediately after install the program. OK, it's a feature that it could be useful for new users, but I don't like it. Fortunately there's a chance for disable it, but if this option doesn't exists, I would feel very frustrated. Maybe it's something small, and it seems to be irrelevant, but I could stop using a new version if I could not disable that option. So, I try to imagine that other people could feel the same but about other option.
