11 items - Remove empty things - feature request - please sir

1) Remove empty docks

2) Remove empty menus

3) Remove unused colors in doc palette  (Please sir no work arounds)

4) Remove unused color styles ( direct command, it not go to color styles docker there to find what are not active..... something ... its not that, please give a direct command to clear them all which are not active and unused)

5) Remove empty layers 

6) Remove empty pages 

7) Remove empty text spaces 

8) Remove same objects and overlapped (exactly the same preferenced objects) 

9) Remove all hidden objects (in some cases, hidden objects not required, while sending final outcome to other party, if the hidden objects existed, the other may be confused)

10) Remove all powerclip contents which exists outside of the frame and inner appearing elements are not deleted. 

11) Remove all unselected by leaving the selected 

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