Real-time update of object dimensions using transformation docker

Dear All,

when using the "Size" or "Scale and mirror" panels in the Transformation docker, I would like the option for the object to change size while incrementing the dimensions (in order to tune to a desirable size more rapidly).

Is there any way to set this as a default behavior, or does one have to click Apply every time?

Regards, MT

  • I don't think there is any option to change the behavior to what you wish for when using that docker.

    You could look at my "Adjust Objects; Retain Positions" macro to see if that might suit some of your workflows.

    One of the available adjustments is to "add size". So, as an example, you could set it to increase or decrease the width by a particular amount, while keeping the aspect ratio constant. Each "click to apply" would then carry out that change of width.

    Similarly, you could set the scale to some value close to 100% (e.g., 105%), then tune the size by repeated application of that scaling.