.cdr is already open elsewhere

I have CorelDRAW 15, 16, 17 and 18 on my PC.  In 18 I can save and re-save my documents one to three times, and then I get the message that the .cdr is already open elsewhere.  I have 6 others in my office running 18 and they all have the same problem.  Is there a fix coming out soon???



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  • Question is is it something that needs fixing?  It could be due to system specific set up.  What immediately comes to mind is syncing/sharing/back-up software.  Something like dropbox, google drive, or anything that copies files from one location to another, especially to the cloud.  Dropbox has been know to do this when saving files to a dropbox folder.  It basically locks the file while it synchs it.  If you have a dropbox folder on many machines, this could be a long time relatively.  

    If you have any such file sharing, back up or back up to cloud software running, try turning it off and see if the problem stops.  If it does, at least you while have isolated the problem.

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