.cdr is already open elsewhere

I have CorelDRAW 15, 16, 17 and 18 on my PC.  In 18 I can save and re-save my documents one to three times, and then I get the message that the .cdr is already open elsewhere.  I have 6 others in my office running 18 and they all have the same problem.  Is there a fix coming out soon???



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  • I'll bite. Ctrl+Alt+Del > Task Manager > Processes/Apps

    What I have seen is that Coreldraw is still 'open' in the processes list even though

    you 'closed' it. Sometimes you cannot save because of that.

    Also, if there are multiple instances and you are working in CD and try to 'end task'

    the ones not in use, it can be a gamble so be prepared for it closing out.

    Sometimes the active CPU % gives it away.

    At least that works for me and rids the problem.

    Davis explaination sounds good even though my puters are isolated from

    what he has listed, so who knows?

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