Save and Export in one step. (Corel Desinger)


i have a problem with a macro. 

The plan is, to save simultaneously one corel document in two files. I want to have a original .des file (corel designer) and i want to export a .cgm File. For that plan, i created a macro.

The first time, it runs great and i get my two files. But if i Change something in the document and run the macro again, corel only safe the .des file. The export doesn't work. 

Here is my dode:

Sub Save()
Dim Path As String
Dim Name As String

Path = ActiveDocument.FilePath
Name = ActiveDocument.FileName
    Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
    Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions
    ActiveDocument.ExportEx Path + Name, cdrCGM, cdrAllPages, expopt
    Dim SaveOptions As StructSaveAsOptions
    Set SaveOptions = CreateStructSaveAsOptions
    With SaveOptions
        .EmbedVBAProject = True
        .Filter = cdrDES
        .IncludeCMXData = False
        .Range = cdrAllPages
        .EmbedICCProfile = True
        .Version = cdrVersion20
        .KeepAppearance = True
    End With
    ActiveDocument.SaveAs Path + Name, SaveOptions
End Sub