Verdana font appears in font Manager, but not in CDR list of fonts.

Verdana font appears in font Manager, but not in CDR list of fonts. In the font list it is grayed out.

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  • Corel's font manager continues to display Jekyll and Hyde behavior with some type families, typically hiding certain styles from the font menu.

    In some cases you can play with the font list filtering controls within CorelDRAW, checking or un-checking options like "installed" and "system fonts," and certain fonts that are hiding may come into view.

    Also beware of other applications running at the same time with CorelDRAW. Sometimes closing other applications will make some type families behave properly. I actually see this problem with font list in Adobe Illustrator. If CorelDRAW is running certain styles in some type families will disappear from the font menu. If I close both applications and then re-launch Illustrator all the missing styles are restored.

    One other alternative: if you have a Windows 10 or 11 PC you can download Verdana Pro from the Windows Store for free. But the fonts install like an app. They won't be visible in the Windows Fonts folder. The same goes for other families in the Windows Store such as Arial Nova, Georgia Pro, etc. 
