How do I add nodes at equal distance to segments with different lengths?

I need to add nodes to each segment of a shape such that each node is at a specified distance from the previous one.

I am aware of the + key functionality, but it is not useful as it adds too many nodes on short segments and long segments get nodes too far apart from each other.


I want to add nodes via a macro.


No Data
  • While doing some search on my own I found this code and modified it to just draw tangents:

    Sub GetPerpendicularAt_Test()
    'uses MarkPointOnPerpendicular
    Dim seg As Segment
    Dim t As Double
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 40
    If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "nothing selected"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    For Each seg In ActiveShape.Curve.Segments
    For t = 0 To count Step 2
    MarkPointOnPerpendicular seg, t / count, 0.2
    Next t
    Next seg
    End Sub

    Private Sub MarkPointOnPerpendicular(seg As Segment, t As Double, curveLength As Double)
    'used by GetPerpendicularAt_Test method
    Dim x As Double, y As Double
    Dim dx As Double, dy As Double
    Dim a1 As Double, a2 As Double
    seg.GetPointPositionAt x, y, t, cdrRelativeSegmentOffset
    a1 = seg.GetTangentAt(t, cdrRelativeSegmentOffset) ' * 3.1415926 / 180
    a2 = seg.GetPerpendicularAt(t, cdrRelativeSegmentOffset) * 3.1415926 / 180
    'dx = 0.5 * Cos(a1)
    'dy = 0.5 * Sin(a1)
    'With ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(x, y, x + dx, y + dy)
    ' .Outline.EndArrow = ArrowHeads(1)
    'End With
    dx = curveLength * Cos(a2)
    dy = curveLength * Sin(a2)
    ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment x, y, x + dx, y + dy
    End Sub

    As far as I can figure it out, the "seg.GetPointPositionAt x, y, t, cdrRelativeSegmentOffset" is the key here. This gets the points coordinates at equal distance along the segment and "ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment x, y, x + dx, y + dy" uses thos x and y values to create a line from those points.

    Need help to alter this code to add nodes at those x and y coordinates, instead of creating lines.

