Please help! How can i reduce file size?

Dear everyone.

Please help!

I hold in the middle of editing a pamphlet from 20 sides, i import a lot of images taken from a camera. and now, at the 15'st page, i found that the file is 1.5 GB!

(it takes 20 minutes every time i press CTRL S, to finish save it)

So my question is:

1) How can i reduce the size from the images, now when it's already imported in Corel Draw (the layout is finished in this 15 pages), that the file should not be so big?

2) Next time, how to import the images, that the file should not be so big?

I need a answer (at leest on the first question) immediately!


No Data
  • 1) How can i reduce the size from the images, now when it's already imported in Corel Draw (the layout is finished in this 15 pages), that the file should not be so big?

    Select each image, go to Bitmap menu and choose "Convert to bitmap". If it's for print on a printing company (offset) choose CMYK, 300 dpi, antialias and Transparend background if the image has lens or transparencies.

    Since the most common rason for so big files are the bitmaps with too much resolution, that should reduce drastically the size of the document without reduce the quality (you know, 300 dpi is the max image resolution for most output devices, and if you need extreme high quality images, it should be between 300 / 400 dpi at real size

    2) Next time, how to import the images, that the file should not be so big?

    resample the images at final size, 300 dpi, CMYK.

    If you import a 300 dpi image and reduce it without resample, the image will have too much resultion (such as 2400 dpi or more) and that only produce big files but it doesn't increase quality
