Master pages issue

I found some issue with even and odd master pages. Please try somebody to reproduce.

a) Create a new document with 10 pages.

b) Create a Master page for odd pages and for even pages. Fill this master pages for test with a red and a green rectangle.

c) Go to the page sorter. it should look like this

d) Use the feature "Show Master Pages on Layer" (Click the gear symbol in the objects docker)

e) Now you can make master pages for some pages invisible and also disabled for export and printing. In my sample I do this for page 6, 8, and 9. Now you see in the page sorter:

f) Perfect so far - great feature if you have a brochure where you don't need the master pages on e.g. pages with ads on it.

g) While still in the page sorter move page 10 before page 1. Now you will see

All your settings to hide and disable master pages for printing are gone. Every Master Opage is shown (and printed). Your settings are gone. And there is no undo...

A lot of fun if you have a brochure with many pages.

You can also swap the pages outside the page sorter to see the effect. But in the page sorter you see the mess immediatly :-(

Hope somebody can verify and forward to Corel. It makes using master pages very risky...


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  • In my experience, page-based "overrides" of Master layer status - e.g., Master Layer 1 is printable, except on page 7 - have always been fragile.

    For example, if the "master" status of a master layer is changed, then all page-based overrides for that status are lost.

    I agree with you that it is a useful feature, but risky to use because it is so easily broken.
