How do I use my own image for a Bitmap pattern transparency?

Hi All, 
I used to be able to use my own image for a Bitmap pattern transparency but in version 2019 I cannot figure out how. No matter what I do I either get bricks or the option to purchase more fills. I cannot find a way to use/add my own. 

I use this technique to create glass reflections. I use a black and white version of the refection image as the transparency pattern. 

  • What version of CorelDRAW are you using as your reference for, "I used to be able to use my own image for a Bitmap pattern transparency..."?

    Would you be willing to describe the procedure that you used to use for doing this?

    • I used to be able to select a file from my own PC (I believe in v. 2017) but no more. However, I discovered how to do it in v. 2019. Instead of selecting a file I need to import the file, then select it and then  go to Object > Create > Pattern fill.

      • I see two ways to directly specify a bitmap file to use.

        One is to use the flyout in Properties/Transparency/Bitmap Pattern Transparency, and select, "New source from document":

        Note that, in CorelDRAW 2020, "new source from file" and "new source from document" have been swapped here - "new source from file" does in 2020 what "new source from document" does in 2019.

        Another is to instead click on the "Edit transparency" button. In the Edit Transparency dialog, under Source:, the "Choose" button opens a file picker: