Power Clip Issues: Why Is This Object Not Clipping/ Partially Clipping?

I've had this issue a few times with Corel Draw in the past but it doesn't come up too often. I'll have an object/ shape that I want to clip/ mask other elements into but some of the elements that are clipped inside still show outside of the clip. In this particular instance its happening with negative space within the /object/ shape the elements are clipped into. I cant recall if this has happened with objects that don't have negative space like this though tbh, I just know I've seen this issue before.

Here's an image to show you my issue.

You can see the red line is clipped within the overall shape but is not clipped out of the negative space in the center. And then the opposite is happening with the logo and no the red line on the right side. Originally I was having the issue on the right and then I group all of the objects of the logo together and clipped them into the outer most black outline/ shape and that fixed the logo from having this issue but forced the red line to now have that issue. Thankfully its not a huge issue for this project but it is annoying and I'd like to be able to prevent it or fix it if I can.

What's going on here and what can I do to fix/ avoid this issue?

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