CorelDraw High CPU - Interprocess Controller

Hi everyone,

I'm running CorelDraw on a MacBook Pro 2.9 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 and it's slow and sluggish.

If I look at the Activity Monitor I can see a process called InterprocessController whose parent process is CorelDraw 2020 running high.

Has anyone seen this before

thanks in advance


  • Another member of Corel support decided to try and assist and the following worked

    InterprocessControler is related to FontManager.

    Please restore your FontManager Database and see if it works better.

    First, make sure that you have quit the program properly.

    1. Go to /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Corel/Databases/V4.0

    2. Open V3.1 and delete all sqlitedb.cache and sqlitedb files

    3. Check the invalidfonts.txt and remove the mentioned font from that location that is mentioned. 
    Ignore the message: /System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/NISC18030.ttf

    4. Hold Shift and launch FontManager 2020. Overwrite FontManager and Databases and wait until all fonts are loaded.

    Corel Customer Support Services

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