Challenge 13

OK here is 13 hand drawn art look directly in CorelDRAW no PhotoPaint here. Which is one of the things I really like about working with CDGS is that I can do so many raster effects directy in DRAW.

  • you are not superstitious, right? Great tutorial, also I like to do some raster efffects directly en CorelDRAW. When I take a few minutes free I'll make an image

    • Here's a quick one. 

      Even though CorelDRAW has the raster capabities, I still prefer to do this kind of thing in PP. Rendering is so much faster and live preview is the default.  Even going through the Edit Bitmap route is quicker than waiting for these effects to render in CD alone. Plus I have a lot of cool plug-ins that work best in PP. :)


      • Draw used only:

        In this case, I sharpened the bitmap like crazy in grayscale, then converted to one bit.