Corel upgrade offers to Adobe customers

Presently own a perpetual license for Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection.  Will not be subscribing to Adobe Creative Cloud.  Looking for links to what Corel might offer.


  • Hi Kwan,
          Yes.  Corel does not have the computer muscle that Adobe has.
          You have to live with that if you want to use PhotoPaint and/or DRAW.
          I own and have used
    PhotoShop 7 and PhotoShop CS5.  I have used PhotoPaint from version 5 to version X6.  I used DRAW at work before retiring.
          I find CS5 to be unusable.  My fingers and brain can not learn keyboard shortcuts.  My eyes can not read the tiny gray on gray top menu in Photoshop.  I find the gray interface to be PhotoShop.
          In PhotoPaint, I have created my own set of tool bars.  I have seven such tool bars.  They contain a total of 65 icons (aka buttons) for all the tools that I ever use.  The icons are all home made in bright saturated colors.  My hand rarely leaves the mouse.
          There are also two tools which I constantly use which I find to be better in PhotoPaint.  The Curves dialog is slightly larger in  PhotoPaint.  It has a “linear” mode which creates straight line segments between nodes.  The Curves do not bulge out where I am not looking.  The histogram in the Curves dialog in PhotoPaint moves as I move a node on a Curve.  In PhotoShop I have to let go of the mouse so the histogram can jump to a new position.
         I also use Color Range (Color Mask in PhotoPaint) quite a bit.  PhotoShop’s version is a nuisance.  You pick one color at a time.  In PhotoPaint, you get a dialog in which you can pick and see as many colors as you want and set a tolerance for each.
         The only tool missing in PhotoPaint is PhotoShop’s Liquify tool.  Oh well.  I can live without it.
    PS:  I also found PhotoShop’s hype about Smart Objects and Smart Filters to be a marketing hoax.  They’re just a duplicate layer with the eye closed on the original layer.
  • Stefan Lindblad said:

    I won't forget. I have been using Painter since version 9 and I have noticed Corel adds useful new features between major upgrades.

    Clip1923 said:
    In PhotoPaint, I have created my own set of tool bars.  I have seven such tool bars.  They contain a total of 65 icons (aka buttons) for all the tools that I ever use.  The icons are all home made in bright saturated colors.

    Interesting. I just checked under Tools -> Customization, and there does seem to be a lot of options to customize the interface to your liking. Could you post a partial screenshot of your set-up?
    Clip1923 said:
    PS:  I also found PhotoShop’s hype about Smart Objects and Smart Filters to be a marketing hoax.  They’re just a duplicate layer with the eye closed on the original layer.
    From my very limited time with Photo-Paint so far it does seem like a good all-round image editor. And it may have features and workflows that are not present in PhotoShop. I'm going to have to find that out. I hope to find many pleasant surprises when working with Photo-Paint over the next couple of weeks.

    But Smart Objects and Smart Filters deserve a bit more credit. Smart objects can be transformed over and over without loss of quality for one thing. And if you change one smart object, all other duplicates of that one smart object change with it. But they keep whatever other settings and transformations you've applied to them. I don't use the more advanced features of Smart objects that often, but it's pretty powerful stuff when you need it.
    And smart filters lets you add filters/effects on top of a layer and you can change all the parameters at any point without damaging anything. You can change your mind and not worry about any loss in image quality. Also very handy. Adobe has a lot of marketing BS, no doubt. But these features were worth upgrading for.
