Fade overlapping objects into each other.

I am really annoyed by this forum.  Why don't we order things by last post date instead of original post date?  There was a similar topic that I added my question to but it was old so no one will know I posted to it.  Anyway...  I want to create a collage of pictures.  I want them to fade into each other where they overlap.  How would I do this?

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  • That's the way I did it, with the help of Myron:

    1) Create a new empty file or open an image in PP (for the background)
    2) Copy an image and paste it onto that empty file or open image (as a new object)
    3) Apply the vignette effect to the pasted image/object (Effects > Creative > Vignette)

    In my case, I needed it to be made for a CorelDRAW artwork, so I pasted the overlapped images with the vignette effect there, but it can be done directly in PP itself, as you can see in the example below.

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