Now I'm missing thumbnails/and previews in 2017.

So now after resolving several other issues, I'm missing my thumbnail previews. All I see is the Corel Icon. I've tried a repair install, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Ghostscript and the Windows Shell, restarting after each step. I've tried reassociating the file type in Windows. Nothing. Each time Corel releases a new version, it seems I have to fight for days to get the program usable. This is probably the worst release since X4. Can anyone help so I can start doing my job and not trying to fix the software I purchased?

  • Hello Jeversole,

    Where you able to resolve the thumbnail issue? I have thousands of cdr and cpt files. Opening multiple files to see if it's the file I'm looking for ludicrous.  Are you and I the only users having this problem? I don't see any other complaints. Unfortunately Ronny's solution did not help me. Control Panel only shows one shell extension installed. I shudder every time Corel  has a new release. Very seldom is there a new tool I can use or need. Two version ago the removed the Icon editor. I have several tool that use the same icon now. That's just a headache and unnecessary. Hope to hear from you soon with a solution.

    Thanks, John

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