How to change a coloured image into a black & white (greyscale) image?

Hi There

I'm using Corel draw X4 having problem changing the coloured picture into black and white (greyscale)..


I'm new to Corel still trying to get the hang of this.

Could someone please advise how can do this. Simple proces.


Many Thanks


No Data
  • Two ways:
    For bitmap image:
    1) Click on the image and then on  "Bitmap>Mode>Greyscale"
    2) Click on the image and then on  "Effects>Adjust>Hue/Saturation/Lightness"
        and move the slider for "Saturation" all the way to "-100"
    If you are going to print right away, or have no other work to do on the image, then option "1" is ok BUT note that a greyscale image is 8 bit (one channel) and you will lose many tools available for image adjustments that would still be usuable if the image was still a 24 bit (RGB) bitmap (option "2").
    Good way to work would be to save the original work prior to changing to greyscale, then make your greyscale conversion and continue working. Save the final image as "Save As" and give the file a different name. This way you will have the original colour image saved and a greyscale version.
    NOTE: In option "1", once you have converted to greyscale, the image can not be brought back to RGB.
    Make sure that (under "Tools>Options>General") you have sufficient undo levels for bitmap and vector levels. I have mine set for 25 for bitmap and 50 for vector. This way when you are working on the image, if you want to change back to a previous adjustment, using the "Undo" (twisted left pointing arrow on the Menu bar) will roll back to the previous level of work. If you find that you've rolled back too far, then click on the "Redo" (twisted right pointing arrow on the Menu bar).
    Save often (add 1,2,3 or a,b.c to each saved version to ensure separate file names). The more safety points along the way, the better. You can always just delete the unneeded versions when you have finished the work,,,but always save the original image.