Is it possible to open this 2-Color GIF in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite?

In Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4, I created the attached 2-color GIF; Black and White marked as transparent.

I can't open it in PHOTO-PAINT X3 or X4. Corel PHOTO-PAINT shows a black rectangle even after I convert it to RGB; PHOTO-PAINT fills the transparent pixels (white) with solid black and the data is lost.

I've tried:

  • Importing the GIF to an open RGB image in PHOTO-PAINT
  • Importing into CorelDRAW X4

Results: Solid black with no data in both.


  1. I can open the GIF if its palette contains a third color.
  2. I can open the GIF if I create a mask and make transparency from mask instead of choosing a color when export. (This actually makes it a 3-color GIF).
  3. I'm not always the author; I have to deal with GIFs created by someone else.

Windows: XP SP3
Suite: CorelDRAW Anniversary Edition (X4 SP2)

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