Windows 10

Hello everyone, new to the forum. Never had many problems before, but glad there is a resource here.

I am young college student who does small graphic stuff on the side and for fun. I have the full suite of Drawx4, just got a new computer last night after my dinosaur finally had enough. Now with Windows 10 though, I can't install the software! I get an immediate message that the program can not be installed.

Does anyone know any fixes to this, or if any patches will be available? I am really hoping I don't have to upgrade to a higher version since again I am a college student on a budget!

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  • X4 was released a little over 7 years ago, long before Windows 10, Window8, etc. It is much too old to be able to run under Win 10.

    So, either you could obtain X7 version of the Graphics Suite, or,

    You could get a copy of VirtualBox, install it, and then install Win XP or (preferable, a 32 bit) version of Win 7 in the VirtualBox, then install your X4.

    Your choice, of which way to proceed, of course, is a matter of what fits your environment, money (new X7) or resources (VirtualBox + Win 7 or earlier) of your current computer...
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