line width

when I draw rectangle, circle or just poly line, the line width can not look the same (the upper-below line and the left-right line don't look the same line width). it's also affect the other stuff in the multi-page...

it's very strange and it only happen with one of my file.


if I copy those weird rectangle (or other) to a new file, it's still weird. but not when I build a new one in my new file.

try to reset my coreldraw to default setting. it didn't work.


any suggestion...?

  • Since it is specific to the file, I think you may have changed your pen shape for the document.

    With nothing selected, call up the pen tool (F12)  and select the graphic default:

    Compare the settings as above, especially the stretch setting which is probably not 100% for that file.

    • thanks... it's work...


      maybe I accidentally change the percentage to 22%. that's why it's seems so strange...

      although I'm curious about how it can affect lines in some my my pages (multiple pages), but it doesn't bother me more...

      it was solved... Smile