trying to edit a photo image

I need to know how to make the face of a photo look more real after using 8% smart blur. How do  Iget rids of the line (fake look) around the edge of the face?

Then how do I correct an overexposed area (highlight/blown out) in a photograph. I have it on a persons face and in the background.

Thank you!

  • For the first part of the question, I do this by copying the image and pasting it. Now, apply the blur to the top layer and then use the erase tool to reveal the original image underneath in the areas you don't want blurred (eyes, mouth, hair, etc).

    I'd probably use a combination of airbrush/ smudge for the overexposed area. This will take a little practice. 

    • neil said:
      For the first part of the question, I do this by copying the image and pasting it. Now, apply the blur to the top layer and then use the erase tool to reveal the original image underneath in the areas you don't want blurred (eyes, mouth, hair, etc).

      Good technique.

      • thank you Neil. So do I need to do anything special with my earser tool settings?

        How do I post my picture for feedback?


        • Just adjust the size of the eraser small enough so you can be accurate with it. Then make a jpeg of your original and the final alongside one another and insert it into your message.  (Thanks, Mike!)

          • neil said:
            Just adjust the size of the eraser small enough so you can be accurate with it.

            Never wanting to lose an undo step I modified your method a bit, try this:

            1. Import image and create and object.
            2. Duplicate object.
            3. Apply blur
            4. in the object manager, right click on top object, Create Clip mask?from object transparency
            5. Now instead of the eraser, grab the paint tool and use black (with a fade on it) to create your transparency.
              this way, you can paint white back over an area you want to re-blur.
            6. Bask in your glory.
            • got pulled away for a few. back now! ok, I will do just that. I like how you edited the photo. Can you tell me what all you did with this particular one? I like the hair color, skin color, teeth, etc Looks Great

              • It's all done with the airbrush and smudge tools, along with a blur as we were discussing. There are many settings for these tools and the best way to learn is by experimenting with them. With a little practice you can achieve all kinds of effects. Here I gave her a nose job, a face lift, hair coloring, and some wild contact lenses:

                • Thanks Neil and Mike!!!!!