
When I open file "A" the layer defaults to "Layer 1". When I open ad "B" the layer defaults to "desktop".

What is causing this?  ..... I would like every ad to open with a Layer 1 default. How is this done?

Thanks, Brad

  • Is file B created properly?

    Sounds like whatever objects you have is on the master page.

    Can you verify?

    If it's a larger problem, do a workspace reset. Hold F8 while the program starts. You will however lose any customizations you have made.

    • Nope..The objects or not in the master page. I did just notice that there is 2 in master and one in page 1.

      Noticed you can drag the layer 1 above the desktop layer and it then becomes the default layer.

      I've moved all objects from the desktop layer to page 1 layer. Then I deleted desktop under page 1.

       I'm sure the issue started when we were importing an ad with multi-layers thus causing the issue.

      Your feedback helped! Thank you Adrian!

      • Sometimes I run into problems importing multiple multipage documents.

        My workaround is to copy the pages instead of importing.

        • Just a wild guess. Confusion because of duplicate names of the layers if DRAW is refering to names of the layers instead of the index in the code.. Try changing the name of the normal layer and saving. Let the master remain with the name 'Desktop'.

          BradP said:
          I did just notice that there is 2 in master and one in page 1.

          • I checked it by using duplicate names for the layers. It works fine with me. So yours could be a different issue.

        • Speaking of layers,
          I think it would be cool if when you open a file, it always defaults to
          the same active layer as when you closed the file. As it is now, it
          defaults to the top most layer which always messes me up because I
          forget to check.


          BradP wrote:
          > When I open file "A" the layer defaults to "Layer 1". When I open ad "B"
          > the layer defaults to "desktop".
          > What is causing this? ..... I would like every ad to open with a Layer
          > 1 default. How is this done?
          > Thanks, Brad
          > ------------------------------------------------------------------------