Lots of Issues Caused by Temp Files

I recently was experiencing Alllll sorts of issues with Corel Draw x5 at work. I called in an outside tech support company to take a look at the issue after I had done my best to Uninstall, Reinstall, and Update to try and fix my problems. Turns out he found that the temp folder that Corel was using had 20 Gb of worthless data stored away.


So to anyone having massive unexplainable issues or anyone who's corel is just running slowly, try emptying your temp folder.


Just go to run in the windows menu and enter:  %temp%

then delete what is likely THOUSANDS of useless files from that folder.

I think this is an issue that people only have when using Corel day in and day out all day long since the folder most likely isn't being automatically emptied frequently enough.


Give this a whirl and let me know if this helps anyone.

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