photo background removal.

Hail the reader,

Removing the background from a picture.

I am reasonably au fait with the use of the cut out lab method for removing the photo background, however I visited a laser company and the person there used the bezier tool very effectively, pulling the nodes around the head and shoulders of the picture and so eliminating the background.

Can somebody please tell me if there is a good tutorial on this - like

1. do this
2. do this etc

Preferably a pdf which I can read as I go.

If not can some one tell me how I may learn to do this?

Thank you


  • This isn't a new technique by any means. There are some good video tutorials out there that cover this for various versions, but version doesn't really matter. The real skill involved is learning to use the bezier tool, and here's a good tutorial for that. You basically just go around the outside of whatever you want to cut out dropping nodes at key points.

    You can also follow Photoshop tutorials using their pen tool - the concept is the same. But the Corel bezier is a lot easier and more flexible than the PS pen.

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