Dotted font problem

Hi! Can anyone help me with the following problem?

I am creating a preschool worksheet. The kids should trace words by following the dotted lines. Although my special school font type gives the option for "dotted", the result is very faint and can hardly be seen at the print out. I tried outlining the font with hairline, as well as converting to curves with outline. However, with both options the writing doesn't look dotted any more. Can you think of another way of making the dotted font appear thicker? I am attaching a sample.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Sonny, what font and point size?

    I make both standard and cursive worksheets as well (using the fonts from Zaner-Bloser). I use a page layout application, but it makes no difference.

    Surely you are not printing onto bright yellow paper nor using that color for a background, are you?


    ***Edit to add***

    I forgot to ask what the intended age group is. And while I am at it, here's an image showing text at a few different point sizes.
