in Program compatibility Troubleshooter Error: Incompatible Program Detected

Please can someone help me.

I am running off a Lenova E531. Windows 8 in the background and Windows 7 on desktop.

When trying to install Corel X5 it took 3 hours.

It came up with compatibility error so I did a troubleshoot as reccommended.

To no avail.

Neither Corel nor files will open?

Thanks Irene

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  • Hello Irene; I will try,,,,, Start out by, if the computer came with Windows installed, Look and REMOVE programs that are not necessary for you to do what you want with the computer that may help. ( Not all programs play well together.) Delete your TEMP files, ( if you are not sure how to do that come back an say so.) If you have antivirus soft ware turn it off until you have installed CorelDRAW X5 Suite. That should get you able to install the program. There are other things you can do to make Corel run better on your computer come back and let us know if you would like to do the changes.

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