Windows 10 access menu question

I just upgraded to Windows 10 home version and I have run into two problems.

The first problem is windows now has a quick access menu on the left side of the screen and because I use Corel X-5 everyday it is located right where my tool menu is located and it makes the screen smaller.

Wondering how other users of Windows 10 have either removed the access menu or moved it somewhere else on the screen?

The second problem is of the invisible menu items on the top of the X-5 screen. When I move my mouse over the area it highlights the different menu options which must be the same color because without moving the mouse over them they appear invisible.

For others considering upgrading to Windows 10 home version you should  know that there is no way to block automatic updates from Microsoft and that ever time you receive an update it resets your browser to Windows Edge which replaced Internet Explorer.

I like to use Firefox and it's a pain to keep having to reset the browser.

Thanks for your help.  Jimmy