Process bar

I noted that on long process my Process Bar is not always showing in the status bar e.g. Saving, copy & paste etc...

  • When you "save" / "save as" a file, the actual saving of the file is now done in the background. Now you can continue editing while the file is being saved.
    If you click on the small "floppy" on the bottom rt of the document window, you can see the process bar.

    <Simon> wrote in message

    I noted that on long process my Process Bar is not always showing in the status bar e.g. Saving, copy & paste etc...

  • Simon said:

    I noted that on long process my Process Bar is not always showing in the status bar e.g. Saving, copy & paste etc...

    The process/progress bar is still there in Photo-Paint, and in CorelDRAW its been changed.
    You can see how it looks like when you are saving files in CorelDRAW by looking at a "Save" icon in the lower right corner. Depending on the size of your file it shows up longer or shorter time.