Questions re the Document Palette

Hi, some questions re the X5 Document Palette:

1/ When I add text or a graphic to a blank document using the default fill
& outline, those colours don't show in the palette. For instance, my
default artistic text is Arial 24pt with a black CMYK fill & no outline, but
the black isn't added to the Document Palette unless I again select it from
the main colour palette. Is that the correct operation of the palette? I
thought it was meant to automatically add colours....

2/ I have the Document Palette set to 'Automatically Update', but colours
aren't removed from the palette if I delete them from my document. As an
example, I often try out numerous colours on, say, a piece of artistic text
before settling on a final colour. Every one of those colours is added to
the palette, which makes it soon become unmanageable. To me, the only point
in the Document Palette is for it to show only the colours actually present
in the active document - not all the ones I have discarded.

Is there any way to make the palette automatically remove colours as they
are deleted from the document (other than having to reset the palette all
the time)?

3/ Adding colours from bitmaps: I create a lot of documents with bitmaps
in them, and I don't want the colours from those in the Document Palette.
Luckily it doesn't add them on import, but if I have to reset the palette to
get rid of all the other colours added in as in 2/ above, I'm then asked how
many colours I want to add from the bitmap(s) - with one being the lowest
number possible. If I have a dozen bitmaps on the page, that's 12 colours
added to the palette I don't want there. So solving the problem in 2/ causes
the problem in 3/!

To me, the Document Palette is only of use if it only shows the colours
actually in the document, not all those I have discarded too. I guess
disabling the automatic update feature gets around these problems, but then
I'm forced to manually add colours to the palette which will slow down my


Dave Addison
  • 1. It currently does not add them unless you click on a color somewhere. I agree that it should though, so I'll verify that we have this logged.

    2. The color are not automatically removed from the palette, by design. The collection of colors remains with the document and as there is no way to know if the color is to be deleted for now, or only for the next few mins, we decided to leave them in. That said, it's easy to remove the colors from the document palette by selecting the flyout from the top of the palette and selecting Palette>Reset....this will purge unused colors.

    3. I've heard this before and we have it logged as a suggestion.

    If you decide to shut off automatic update It's very easy to add colors to the document palette....if you grab a bunch of objects and click and drag them to the palette it will add the colors used in those objects into the palette. I wonder if this is a better workflow given that you like to experiment with colors a lot.


    • Thanks Tony

      Yes, I think I will turn off the auto update and add colours manually. I'll
      just have to remember to do that!



      Dave Addison

      "Tony Severenuk" wrote in message
      1. It currently does not add them unless you click on a color somewhere. I
      agree that it should though, so I'll verify that we have this logged.
      2. The color are not automatically removed from the palette, by design. The
      collection of colors remains with the document and as there is no way to
      know if the color is to be deleted for now, or only for the next few mins,
      we decided to leave them in. That said, it's easy to remove the colors from
      the document palette by selecting the flyout from the top of the palette and
      selecting Palette>Reset....this will purge unused colors.
      3. I've heard this before and we have it logged as a suggestion.
      If you decide to shut off automatic update It's very easy to add colors to
      the document palette....if you grab a bunch of objects and click and drag
      them to the palette it will add the colors used in those objects into the
      palette. I wonder if this is a better workflow given that you like to
      experiment with colors a lot.