Numbering in X4

Looking for suggestions to speed up my numbering of tickets... etc... I use Jeff older version of "number generator" a true lifesaver, but here is where the problem arises... Sometimes the artwork comes from outside of our shop... PDF's or bitmaps, or something converted from adobe.. As long as the artwork is created in Corel the numbering process is quite speedy... but if it is any of the above mentioned file types, it take forever (hours) to number them.... Time is money and some of the artwork is not such that I can reproduce it in a short period of time....


Anyone??? Any comments??  Please!!!!

  • FWIW, we're in X5 forum. ;-)
    There's no problem in numbering any artwork, but if the artwork is complex or has bitmaps in it, consider using the "freeform master" workflow to use the RIP to merge the numbers to a background template.
    How it works:
    1. Send imposed background art to be held on the RIP (a press sheet of tickets, without any numbers), and in your print driver this is to be designated as a Master. OK? Maybe it spools as a 100 MB print file. On the RIP - this file waits...
    2. Then, send only the numbers (imposed), and in your print driver choose to use the Master file you set a moment ago, it should be available in the picklist of available Masters to use.
    3. The numbers spool as small amount of data, since they are vector shapes. This reduces network traffic dramatically, since you are not sending 100 MB through the network for each single press sheet.
    The RIP does all the number crunching, merging the numbers with the background for each press sheet, freeing up your system.
    <JP Mock> wrote in message

    Anyone??? Any comments??  Please!!!

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