Blend tool; something I am doing wrong??

Hey all, after doing some searching I'm still having trouble with the blend tool. It's new to me, and I have tried to incorporate it into my work with little success.

1. Sometimes when I am trying to blend two objects, the resulting blend doesn't even show up.. ? 

2. I have been trying to make red neon text. I tried several methods; I wasn't sure how to get the right fill to outline proportion with text, so I converted to curves. Made the outline red, the inside fill white. Made a blend but it didn't show up. I tried blending with just a regular red filled rectangle with a white line inside, and the blend showed up and came out okay. What is going on here..?

I ended up just using white text with an red outside contour.. since it looks too pixelated I converted to bitmap and applied some gaussian blur. Doesn't really look like the effect I wanted, but it looks ok.. Any input is greatly appreciated!



  • Alec said:
    I ended up just using white text with an red outside contour.. since it looks too pixelated I converted to bitmap and applied some gaussian blur. Doesn't really look like the effect I wanted, but it looks ok.. Any input is greatly appreciated!

    I just use outlines and  then bitmaps of same with gaussian blur:


      Hi Alec. You can use transparency on the Blends to achieve that effect.

      Jeff Harrison said:
      I just use outlines and  then bitmaps of same with gaussian blur:

      Congratulations Jeff, very well managed indeed very well. I like to see this. Smile