Reset Scaling information to 100%

Hello, if I have a group and resize it by selecting it and moving one of the corner handles the scaling factor changes. What I want to know is how to reset this so that the shape remains at its new size and the scaling factor shows 100%. I want to reset the scaling information. Thanks

  • Greatly Perturbed said:

    Hello, if I have a group and resize it by selecting it and moving one of the corner handles the scaling factor changes. What I want to know is how to reset this so that the shape remains at its new size and the scaling factor shows 100%. I want to reset the scaling information. Thanks


    After scaling the group to the value you want to, ungroup all the objects.

    Then select any one object. You';; see the new scale factor value. Right click in the scale factor box and click Settings. Enter new Full Value as 100. Remember do not enter 100% in the new full value box. Just enter 100 without any units.

    Do this for both the scale factors; Horz as well as vert.

    Also note, you cannot perfor this operation for the whole group. You'll have to do this one by one for all the objects.

    Atleast I am not aware of the solution to do this to whole group at once.


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