post script error

I am receiving the following error when printing to our efi rip from x5. The problem does not happen in x4 any help is appreciated  - Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: astore ]%% Stack: [-null- -null- -null- -null-] %%[ Flushing: rest of job...   this is a simple poster with no variable data

  • bprint said:

    I am receiving the following error when printing to our efi rip from x5. The problem does not happen in x4 any help is appreciated  - Error: stackunderflow; OffendingCommand: astore ]%% Stack: [-null- -null- -null- -null-] %%[ Flushing: rest of job...   this is a simple poster with no variable data

    Dumb quesiton, but have you checked your PS page to make sure the settings are exactly the same between x4 and x5? and if so, have you adjusted them at all to see if that helps?

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