Draw bug - zoom with alt... blank... and support for SP3.

I just read a post saying they weren't sure if they were going to make an SP3 because almost all the bugs were fixed... on what planet.  I've listed many many (50++) that haven't been touched... and that's not considering everyone else who's noticed usability problems.  Come on.  I can say the sky is green, but that doesn't make it true.  Stop lying... we're not *that* stupid.

I'm sorry to use such a strong word, but the bugs aren't anywhere near fixed with sp2.


Here's another bug that's 100% reproducible (on my machine).


- in Illustrator, you use the wheel to scroll and hold alt to zoom

- in Draw, it's the opposite


I'm using an MX Revolution mouse

the basic image I'm using was created in X5... it's not much more complicated than just a bunch of coloured squares with coloured circles

steps to reproduce:
in Draw, zoom using mouse in/out
hold Alt and press sideways on the mouse wheel to zoom sideways
- watch carefully because there's a jump in the position... then it seems to work

- now release Alt and try zooming in/out

... the canvas is blank and zooming doesn't make the parts refresh.


this same problem happens even if I just push sideways... maybe it's the mouse???


there are sooo many bugs remaining... we aren't living in the world of 1984... stop saying most of the bugs are fixed because they aren't.  2+2 is not 5.  Stop saying it is.  Are you getting paid by Corel to say that?  Are you not paying attention to the obvious problems that still exist in X5?  Even though it doesn't disrupt your workflow doesn't mean it isn't a pain for some others.


just off the top of my head (without looking at the many many bugs that I've documented)...

* moving layers is still buggy

steps to reproduce:

-in Draw, new file, 22x22cm, 300dpi

-F7, draw 2 squiggles

-click new layer button in object manager

- draw 2 more squiggles (so both layers have something there as representative work)

-without minimizing the layers first, drag Layer 2 down below the 2 curves in Layer 1 as though you want it behind Layer 1

- it doesn't get recognized as a drop there unless you're just below the "layer 1" text line... otherwise it goes into the Master Page area.


another few off the top of my head....

the stupid save box pops up if you open an AI file and don't even change it.... when you go to close, Draw says you've changed it.  Nope!

... and when you open any AI file, Draw forgets it's name so you have to type it in - which is a pain when the file name is important even though it's long

eg. fig_323323_akDhfs.ai    ... I just made that name up, but you get the point

if the file name is long, this is a pain... I don't want to have to look back to see where it came from just so I can save it as a CDR file with the same name.  Dumb.  The program openned it... it should be remembered and shown in the title bar like other files.

arrow head (legacy problem) positions in Draw, not matching with the end of the line/curve...a nd changes depending if you're using a line or curve

docker position and size issues

overscroll zooming not going to the center of your mouse

paint chooser messing up, not in sync with the one on the left

some guy posted a PNG that would open PP, but when you go to save, it would crash the program... I kept that file for a while to use it as a test for when sp3 came out because I assumed they would want to fix that reproducible crashing problem... still happened about a month + later... I deleted the file.

no shortcuts for common PP tools like smudge... and you can't set this

problems with stroke size in Draw (I posted a thread about it a while ago and got a suggested workaround... yay).. but it still should be fixed.

Suggesting work arounds is not what we need... fix the program... I paid for a working program.


those are a few... off the top of my head... that are still around and are still annoying.  The program is still not finished.


I get it... to *some* (many?) this program does everything you need... good for you.

... but don't claim it's mostly fixed because that's a lie.  There is much that's still not working well.  Embrace this fact.


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