artistic text

After installing X-5 I have a problem with paragraph text.

Whether I import text from WORD or write something directly into a page (paragraph text) - the whole program will, after a line or two, STOP/DISAPPEAR totally in a flash - no warning - nothing saved, sometimes my whole file is GONE, only a TEMP file might be somewhere. I have been in touch with Corel technical support - many times - and they just let me re-boot - re-set - update or re-install the program - but I still have the same problem. Corel tech support "blames" it on my computer, but I don't have any problem with other items in Corel, like artistic text, importing pictures, etc. "Power hungry" programs like PhotoShop, Illustrator, etc., work fine. 

There is plenty of memory, disk space, etc.

The problem is the same whether I try Corel X5 on my laptop's VISTA or on my tower with Windows 7 PRO.


Jan vs

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