Is it possible to load the color profile of your monitor into Corel X5?

In X3 you could open "Color Management" window, click on the screen icon and load the color profile of your monitor, but in X5 this window has changed and there is now option for the monitor color profile so I can't find how I could import it. Any ideas?

Thank you for your time.


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  • Thanks a lot for your posts guys.

    @ Pratik Shah

    For RGB I use "Adobe RGB (1998)" I don't know if it's correct to insert the monitor driver there instead of the RGB color profile. As shown in the picture in my first post, in Corel X3 there was a specific icon for the monitor driver, so what I'm looking for is something similar in X5.

    Is there the chance that importing the monitor driver is not so important and that's why this option is not present in X5?
