Hello forum,
Anyone but me that thinks the blend tool is all too cumbersome to use? I'll give you an example: You have a curve with cusp nodes and then on that curve you want to add a continous stream of shorter bars that all should be perpendicular to the curve. You make a blend between two short bars and then tells the Blend tool to blend along your curve (New Path) and to blend along full path. As far as that all is well.
Now we want to adjust certain bars so that they will be perpendicular to the curve and for that we use Split and we only get to split the blend in one place, at least that's the best luck I have had. I would need to split the blend at every node (before and after) on the curve so I can adjust the angle of the bars to perpendicular between the actual nodes, but it seems it can't be done. Or can it? If I try to select the blend again, all alternatives are greyed out, so it seems one split is all I can get.
To me, the most logical way with the blend tool would be so that you could just use the pick tool and adjust certain objects and the blend would adjust accordingly. That means shape, placement, color, outline, rotation angle etc. Then the Belnd tool could finally be intuitive.
Anyone that understands what I am trying to say here? I mean the start and end object in a blend is easy enough to adjust, rotade, resize etc. but you can't seem to do that more than once in the middle of a blend, when you make a split. once you have made a split the blend tool is greyed out when you select the blend and you can't edit anything more. Am I wrong? So please tell me how to do it or else move this subject to the Draw 6 wishlist..
Hello Lars
On splitting the blend, you have two blends in one blend group. You can apply different attributes to both the blends. Try Ctrl + Click on one of the blends, and all your blend options are on.
Hope I have understood your question.
Lars Forslin said:once you have made a split the blend tool is greyed out when you select the blend and you can't edit anything more.
Thanks Anand! That made it a lot easier In fact, the Ctrl+Click made all the difference and now you can add as many splits ans needed. I just couldn't find any instruction on how to do this. All is well then. Except that it needs to be added in the manual for adding more than one split.
I always follow the process of trying the modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt & Shift) and combinations with any and all functions that I cant find a direct way to do in Draw. I also feel like you that this is required to be documented. However, it really would be very fat book to document it all.
This is usually handled by duplicating a blend control object (using +) and making a new blend. It won't be part of the original, but it will look like it is.
Yes, that's what I do. But I would appreciate if the Blend tool could be updated so you could make more than one split in a blend. That would make the Blend tool a lot more efficient to use.