Locked ratio problem

Corel X5 newbie here. I'm not used to software like this. I'm more of a "software that makes sense" kind of guy (I have a CAD background). Anyway, I'm required to use CorelDRAW for (of all things) drawing geologic maps, and I'm having a problem resizing objects.

When I select an object and use the corner handles to resize it, it maintains the original aspect ratio, even though 'lock ratio' is disabled/unlocked. Is there something I'm missing here? I want to freely resize an object to any height and width I want using the handles, but CorelDRAW doesn't seem to want to let me do that.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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  • Paintzor said:
    I want to freely resize an object to any height and width I want using the handles, but CorelDRAW doesn't seem to want to let me do that.

    Press ALT key, select corner and then scale freely.

    Scaling elements out of proportion is rarely desirable for graphic artists, since it brutally changes the intended appearance of typestyles, patterns, and photos. So, many would argue that CorelDRAW is one of very few programs that by default helps people to not screw things up. :-)
