Creating Colour Samples of Vector Images

I am trying to create colour samples of vector objects which I have initially drawn in a Purple shade card. Now I would like to have the same object in a blue shadecard and then a green shade card maintaining relationships between the colours in the different parts of the object. Can someone help me with this. 


  • Do you mean something like tints of purple in 10% steps (0, 10, 20 ... 90 ... 100%) followed by the same tints of blue and green ?

    If so, the easy way to achieve this is to draw a white rectangle on left of page, a solid purple rectangle on the right and then add a 9 step blend between them. But note that the white rectangle must be a solid white fill, not transparent.

    The nice thing about this is that you can duplicate the entire blend several times, changing the colour of the rightmost rectangle and the in-between steps will automatically change in proportion.

    Or you could have blends between specific colours rather than just tints of one colour.


  • Good news!

    As you may have heard, CorelDRAW X6 has been released today, and a trial version is available for download.
    There's a small video as well, that shows how it works.

    There is a new feature that may be helpful when playing with colors; Color Harmonies.
    It is possible to define colors and create a harmony, that then later can be changed, either each color individually, or the entire harmony in one go.

    I think this could be what you are looking for, Sankalp.