Macros not working in X5 after uninstall of X6 trial

Howdy, all - 

Looking to see if anyone else has had this problem. I run several macros that were either obtained from or written for us by one of the incredibly helpful folks at MacroMonster. They ran fine in Corel X5 **UNTIL** I uninstalled the trial version of Corel X6 after it expired - suddenly, I'm getting the message "Class not registered. Looking for object with CLSID:{C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F" with an "OK" or "Help" button. Clicking on OK brings up another box, "Unexpected Error (713)" 

I'm running three macros. One works fine, the second one creates that series of errors, and the third macro is simply not functioning at all, doesn't even show up in the Macro Manager. 

I've done a repair install and a total reinstall in-place - I'm hoping I don't have to completely uninstall X5 and reinstall IT from scratch to get things sorted (we run a pretty fast-paced shop, no real time for that). 

I've posted this in the Corel newsgroups and the message back was that this sounds like a Corel issue, and that I may indeed have to completely remove X5 also and reinstall. I've tried to post this at MacroMonster but there are no forums there. 

Anyone else have this issue or got any ideas? I'm running a 32-bit version of Win7 on an Intel Core i5 with 4 gigs of memory, plenty of HD space. 

Anna McCullough 

  • Anna McCullough said:

    Howdy, all - 

    Looking to see if anyone else has had this problem. I run several macros that were either obtained from or written for us by one of the incredibly helpful folks at MacroMonster. They ran fine in Corel X5 **UNTIL** I uninstalled the trial version of Corel X6 after it expired - suddenly, I'm getting the message "Class not registered. Looking for object with CLSID:{C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F" with an "OK" or "Help" button. Clicking on OK brings up another box, "Unexpected Error (713)" 

    I'm running three macros. One works fine, the second one creates that series of errors, and the third macro is simply not functioning at all, doesn't even show up in the Macro Manager. 

    I've done a repair install and a total reinstall in-place - I'm hoping I don't have to completely uninstall X5 and reinstall IT from scratch to get things sorted (we run a pretty fast-paced shop, no real time for that). 

    I've posted this in the Corel newsgroups and the message back was that this sounds like a Corel issue, and that I may indeed have to completely remove X5 also and reinstall. I've tried to post this at MacroMonster but there are no forums there. 

    Anyone else have this issue or got any ideas? I'm running a 32-bit version of Win7 on an Intel Core i5 with 4 gigs of memory, plenty of HD space. 

    Anna McCullough 



    I had the exact same thing happen! The only difference is I uninstalled X6 Trial after several days so mine never expired.

    I have posted on several message boards dealing with CorelDraw and macros and no answer so far.

    I've since tried to run the X5 repair and that didn't work then I uninstalled X5 and reinstalled it and that doesn't work either! I've reinstalled the macros even uninstalled and reinstalled the firewall and antivirus and that didn't work! I cleaned all references to CorelDraw in the registry and that didn't mater. I even ran the CorelUninstaller_WP_DR_X3_X4_X5.exe and that didn't do anything!

    Reinstalling X5 takes a lot of time.....this has been going on for several weeks for me without an answer from Corel or the macro developers.

    I'm sure there will be plenty more people having the same issue as they go through the same process of uninstalling the X6 trial.

    I'm running XP Pro SP3, CorelDraw X5 version is with service pack 3


    Take Care,





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