batch bitmap resample

Is there some macro, script, add-in to resample all bitmaps in a document to a desired resolution and color mode ? 

  • Yes there is . wOxxOm Tools

    • This macro is an option.

      Other way is: publish to PDF X/3, change settings of bitmap resolution, then open the PDF and save as CDR

      • Upodate

        - The woxom tool resample  doesnt work well with all images. For example gives heavily jagged edges on Images with transparency. Useless. 

        - The PDF X/3 only can make CMYK images (and not RGB) while the pdf file opened in coreldraw wont retain its full cdr editability (effects symbols etc)

        • Hi.

          I do this sometimes with a tiny script. Sure helps when I scan or import pictures from a camera and I want the document size smaller.


          Sub resample1()
              Dim sr As ShapeRange, p As Page, s As Shape
              For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
                  Set sr = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(, cdrBitmapShape)
                  For Each s In sr
                        s.Bitmap.resample , , , 200, 200
                  Next s
                  'sr.Move 0, 0.4
              Next p
          End Sub

