A hollow circle with a fill but no outline?


Is there a way to create a hollow circle (or ring) that has a fill, but does not actually fill the circle with the color, just makes the outline?

Here is an image of what I need:


I am having the above laser cut out of acrylic.  The laser needs to have everything that is black use a Fill and no Outline.  The way it is in the file now, there is no Fill on the circle, but there is a black Outline.  If I tell it to have a black Fill and no Outline (like the laser needs) I end up with a solid black circle which the laser will engrave as a solid circle instead of the "ring".

Is there anyway to do what I need done?


Thank you for any help you can give and for your time,



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  • Not sure I understand what you need, or rather how it works with a laser, but what happens if you

    1. Convert the outline to objects (Arrange menu). This will transform the outline to a combined object with the same appearance as the original object, but it is built up of two subcurves with an offset and can be filled.


    2. Make the object an open curve by splitting one of the nodes ("Break curve" in Property Bar with one node selected).
    This will allow you to give it a fill but it won't be visible. In fact the object will be invisible on screen, but perhaps the laser will cut it.

    Just a couple of ideas out of the blue.
