Laser Engraving with CorelDraw x5

Hello,  I just upgraded from x4 to x5 and have had a couple issues with how the new install of x5 is working with my Laser Engraver (Epilog Legend 36EXT 120w)

1) When I used to run jobs at 300dpi the quality was fine (with some pixilation near the edges of the engraving) now when I engrave at 300 dpi I notice that the image is dithered and looks "polka dotted", Is there a way to fix this? 


2) When I send over an image with a C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 white background, whereas it used to see this as "No not laser this" space, now it will laser the actual background as a percentage of black (which is not much, but it still does engrave and ruins the product as the box ends up being visible)  I know that I can change the 0 0 0 0 white to a transparent and that will fix the issue, it's just that my jobs are all saved with the 0 0 0 0 background and if I forget to change to transparent, I end up ruining items.  Is there a way I can define to Corel not to print white? 

Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated.  



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