Paste Problem!

Good morning Smile

I've ran into an issue with my paste function in CorelDraw X5. When I click copy or press ctrl+c, it appears to copy the data to clipboard but nothing happens if I click paste or press ctrl+v.
The duplicate (ctrl+d) function works just fine and I can copy stuff into Corel from other programmes like Word. the problem I'm facing only seems to affect copying and pasting objects. It won't work pasting into the same document or a new document either.

Reinstalling Corel doesn't work nor does reinstalling Windows entirely.

Can anyone help with this please? Thanks! 

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  • Clipboard problems are often caused by other programs running on the system. Perhaps even a program which intercepted the clipboard when it ran, but has terminated without properly releasing that interception -- so the culprit program is not even running at the time it causes the problem. 

    Tracking down which program can be quite difficult but a good start is to look at the programs you've installed or updated since the clipboard last worked properly.

    A point to consider is that the culprit program could be malware so an antivirus scan and running windows sfc /scannow is probably a good idea if you cannot identify a recent installed program that might have caused the problem.

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